Nebraska Fire Weather Forecast Map
These maps are developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and used in cooperation with the Nebraska Forest Service. Select a map category and a day.
Curious About Your Risk?
Enter your address or zoom into a location on the map to get an assessment of wildfire risk for that location. For more detailed information on the assessment or wildfire risk at a specific location, go to the Risk Explorer.
Property Owner Resources
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Creating Defensible Space
Defensible space is the buffer created between buildings and grasses, trees, and shrubs. This space is critical to slow or stop the spread of widlfire—helping protect your family and your home.

Cost-Share Opportunities
The Nebraska Forest Service undertakes a number of projects across the state aimed at enhancing protections around property and reducing forest fuels.

Community Wildfire Protection Plans
A CWPP gathers your community's resources to enhance wildfire mitigation and preparedness. The written document identifies the steps a community will take to reduce its risk of damage from wildfires.
For best results using the Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal, we suggest using one of the following web browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Safari.
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